But how does it end, when both are within him?

But how does it end, when both are within him?

the opposing forces of light and dark; creation and destruction; life and death. Through the works we’re encouraged to think of these elements, not in terms of positive or negative, but rather as undeniable polarities that require balance if we are to move towards a better world and wellbeing. In this way, the sculptures are a symbol of equilibrium and hope for a new world where these human paradoxes can coexist to create something that is perfectly whole.

Rules a solitary soul, humankind has forsaken,
He works through the blackness with no end in sight
If only he’d open a crack and let in some light.

Lives a woman of the earth grounded in her light,
Wild and unruly, chaos runs through her veins,
She finds beauty in all; the sun, wind and the rain.

He breaks free from himself and steps into his darkness.
But when faced with his shadows, he struggles and writhes,
Is this his rebirth or his final demise?

A dance of life and of love for all the human race,
And as she spins and she turns, she’s losing control,
Yet this chaos is what breathes life into his soul.

He searches for her and the promise of the divine,
She presents a flower to the masked creator,
The answers you seek can be found within nature.

We need golden soldiers to bring in the new frontier,
For the war will be waged by those brave few,
Who embrace the paradox within, to create the world anew.

- Sonny

Exploring the duality of humans and nature
A three-part online showcase by Sonny Behan, that explores the universal paradox that underlies the existence of all things.
The body of work, comprised of three starkly different sculpture collections, is tied together by the overarching narrative that it is only by accepting these contradictions and becoming comfortable with the ambiguity that exists within all life, that we can move towards enlightenment as individuals and a society.
Presenting the first collection
Through his sculptures, Sonny also raises the question of how we as human beings are impacting the precarious equilibrium within the natural world? The collection features the skulls of gorillas and tigers, two of the world’s most-loved endangered species. The sombreness of the skull imagery is juxtaposed with bright pops of colorful flora, which offers a glimmer of hope in a world that seems destined for destruction. By drawing from both the darkness and the light, Sonny creates a balance of form that translates into something that is beautifully unique.
13.4 L x 9.8 W x 11.6 H in
34 L x 25 W x 29.5 H cm
21.6 Lbs / 9.8 kg
Edition of 15
Sculpted and hand-painted by Sonny
The Greek goddess of safety and preservation. Soteria is an ancient word for “salvation” that communicates the notion of deliverance, restoration, and healing. It is a guiding force on our journey to self-actualization that aims to help us reach psychological salvation, integration, and happiness.
The Greek goddess of safety and preservation. Soteria is an ancient word for “salvation” that communicates the notion of deliverance, restoration, and healing. It is a guiding force on our journey to self-actualization that aims to help us reach psychological salvation, integration, and happiness.
14.2 L x 6.7 W x 8.9 H in
36 L x 17 W x 22.5 H cm
19.2 lbs / 8.7 kg
Edition of 15
Sculpted and hand-painted by Sonny
A Sanskrit word meaning “world” that speaks to the fundamental belief in birth, death, and rebirth and the cyclicality of all life, matter, and existence. Buddhists believe that through karma and eventual enlightenment, they can escape the cycle of samsara to achieve nirvana and an end to all suffering.
A Sanskrit word meaning “world” that speaks to the fundamental belief in birth, death, and rebirth and the cyclicality of all life, matter, and existence. Buddhists believe that through karma and eventual enlightenment, they can escape the cycle of samsara to achieve nirvana and an end to all suffering.
Spirit of the Forest
11 L x 9.8 W x 9.8 H in
28 L x 25 W x 25 H cm
19.2 lbs / 8.7 kg
Edition of 15
Sculpted and hand-painted by Sonny
Living in the second-largest tropical rainforest left on earth, gorillas rely on this unique habitat for their survival, while playing an important role in keeping the ecosystem healthy. Encapsulating the spirit of the forest, the fate of these gentle giants is inextricably linked to the place they call home.
Spirit of the Forest
Living in the second-largest tropical rainforest left on earth, gorillas rely on this unique habitat for their survival, while playing an important role in keeping the ecosystem healthy. Encapsulating the spirit of the forest, the fate of these gentle giants is inextricably linked to the place they call home.
Kali's Gift
13.4 L x 12.4 W x 8.3 H in
34 L x 31.5 W x 21 H cm
18.7 lbs / 8.5 kg
Edition of 15
Sculpted and hand-painted by Sonny
The Hindu goddess, Kali, embodies the philosophy that creation cannot exist without destruction. In her dance between all that is dark and light within humanity, she exposes the contradictory nature of human beings. The red hibiscus belongs to Kali and is often presented to her as a ceremonial offering.
Kali's Gift
The Hindu goddess, Kali, embodies the philosophy that creation cannot exist without destruction. In her dance between all that is dark and light within humanity, she exposes the contradictory nature of human beings. The red hibiscus belongs to Kali and is often presented to her as a ceremonial offering.
Twin Totem
14.6 L x 10.6 W x 6.3 H in
37 L x 27 W x 16 H cm
22 lbs / 10 kg
Edition of 15
Sculpted and hand-painted by Sonny
Many traditions believe in animal totems that act as intermediaries between humans and nature. These spiritual counterparts stay with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. In Cameroon, folk stories tell of powerful totems shared between gorillas and people.
Twin Totem
Many traditions believe in animal totems that act as intermediaries between humans and nature. These spiritual counterparts stay with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. In Cameroon, folk stories tell of powerful totems shared between gorillas and people.